In previous blogs we have looked at the signs of quality wood pellets (dust free, clump free, dry, calorific value) but what is a quality wood pellet order and what does this really translate into for you as a customer. We understand that a quality pellet order for you is: –
- An easy ordering process
- A pallet of pellets that arrives when you expect it to
- A pallet that is packed securely with no broken bags
- Bags that are easy to handle
- A bag that contains little to no dust
- A pellet that will flow easily into your boiler without bridging and blocking
- A pellet that will produce a consistent, even heat with little ash left over.
So, how do you know this is what you’re going to get from us? Well, our ordering process couldn’t be easier with the ability to place an order online 24/7 from any mobile, tablet or desktop. For a delivered price to your door simply enter your postcode on the ‘buy Woodlets’ page and you can clearly see the price you pay, no ’hidden extras’. There is also the option to get a quote for bulk blown pellets delivered to your store.
As for our deliveries, we are pleased that our customers are happy to leave their reviews on our website and these are a testament to our ordering process, deliveries and customer service team; please read the reviews.
Then we come to the actual pellets; again we would encourage you to read our customer reviews, but read these in conjunction with our monthly quality reports that we issue as blogs on our website. We don’t have to do this to meet ENPlus A1 or to be on the BSL register, in fact there’s no legal need for us to do it. We do it because we believe you should know what is in the wood pellet bag you buy in terms of calorific value, ash content and moisture.
With Woodlets you not only get our energy guarantee and get to view our monthly quality reports but a quality guarantee and that covers every aspect of our business.
Please view Junes Quality report below.
June 2017 Woodlets – Certificate of analysis