‘What you see is what you get’ is a phase that is often used, but when it comes to purchasing wood pellets on line how do you know what you are going to get before it arrives on your doorstep?
The Woodlets team don’t think this should be the case when you order your wood pellets, which is why in addition to our hourly in house quality checks, once a month we use an external laboratory to analysis our wood pellets. The external laboratory looks at a total of sixteen tests ranging from ash content, moisture, emissions, net and gross calorific value.
The ENPlus A1 standard requires that pellets have an ash content less than 0.7%, a moisture content less than 10% and a net calorific value of 16.5-19 MJ/kg. To allow you to judge Woodlets against the standard every month we publish our externally moderated quality report on line for all to see. We do this because we believe that you should have the information to hand that enables you to evaluate our wood pellets performance.
Our rigorous testing schedule is one of the corner stones of our quality system and allows us to be confident that when you purchase Woodlets wood pellets you will receive a wood pellet that doesn’t just meet the ENPlus A1 standard but on aspects such as ash content and calorific value surpasses the threshold level of the standard.
We are so confident in the performance of our pellets that we offer our Energy Guarantee, this is where we guarantee that our pellets will deliver 4,800 KWh/t of energy. Typically, a pallet of Woodlets will be £252.00 including VAT and 5% Vat (depending on where you are in the UK) which translates into 5.25p/KWh.
So please look at the laboratory reports below, if you have any questions you can contact us at [email protected].