Woodlets, high quality wood pellets delivering consistent performance month on month

Woodlets, high quality wood pellets delivering consistent performance month on month

02 November 2017

Lincoln Chafee, a former US Senator, said “Trust is built with consistency” and we all know that reassuring feeling we get when a brand just delivers what we expect, time after time. This is the relationship we want to build with our customers.

Our purpose is to provide high quality wood pellets backed up by high quality customer service and delivery, time and again. For those of you who use Woodlets and have first-hand experience of our friendly and helpful customer service team, efficient deliveries and high-quality UK grown and manufactured wood pellets, we need to keep doing what we do well.

However, for those of you who may not have used Woodlets yet, how do we give you the confidence to try us?

One of the first things you will want to know is ‘Are Woodlets any good?’ and this is where we are different to other pellet manufactures, we publish our monthly quality reports.  (We can do this because we manufacture our own pellets in our own factory.)

Woodlets UK Pellet Production Facility

These monthly reports enable our customers to see our wood pellet specifications.  We have been doing this for over twelve months now and can now show you the consistent performance of our wood pellets.

When purchasing wood pellets, one of the most important factors to consider is the amount of heat produced, as this is their purpose. From the graph below you can see that our pellets consistently exceed the ENplus A1 standard of 4,600KWh/t (16,560 MJ)

Woodlet CV

Again, the ENPlus A1 standard sets the permissible ash content (0.7%) of wood pellets. The graph below shows how Woodlets perform month on month. In fact, our average ash content is 0.15% again outperforming the standard consistently.

Woodlets Ash

From the above graphs and the full quality report (September ’17) below our potential customers can see that Woodlets perform as they should time and again.

To give you ‘would-be/could-be’ Woodlets users confidence in the quality and skills of our customer service and delivery teams, please look at our customer reviews at the bottom of https://goo.gl/xF3g54, the other way is to test us out and place an order at www.woodlets.co.uk!

September 17 Woodlets -certificate of Analysis (1)


September 17 Woodlets -certificate of Analysis (1)


September 17 Woodlets -certificate of Analysis (2)